Curiosity Widget


not available

This beautifully crafted widget keeps Martian time at the MSL Curiosity landing site.Accuracy largely depends on the accuracy of your phone's system time.Supported Martian time definitions include Local Mean Solar Time, LMST, Local True Solar Time, LTST and Local Mean Zonal Time, LMZT. Tap on labels to view definitions.
The widget centers on the location of Curiosity, not on the center of the Gale crater. Any friendly suggestions are welcome and invited.

Select between LMST, LTST, LMZT
Time on Mars (mission time) clock
hh:mm or hh:mm:ss format toggle
Sunrise & set at site
Daylight duration at site
Sun altitude at site
Earth rise & set at site
Earth altitude at site
Sidereal time at site
Light time to Earth
Temperature at site
Air pressure at site
Mars ephemerides
Mars/Earth AMT/UTC time
Bundled manual in PDF

Users' manual (PDF)
An online demo is available at
Purchase only if you know how to install widgets after download.

Please appreciate that the author cannot purchase all hardware and provider contracts for the large number of Android devices currently on the market. Please be so kind as to send a report preferably with screen snap should you encounter any layout issues.
This application requires Android 2.2 or higher and a display which is to the Android standard.
Please contact the author, if you have any pre-sales questions.